Jan ‘14: Mahindra Powerol, in its attempt to be closer to its customers, organized a friendly cricket match with one of its major customers Bharti Infratel Limited (BIL). This 2 match series was held on the 11th of January ’14 in Chandigarh. The team of Mahindra Powerol’s Haryana and Punjab office played against Bharti Infratel’s Haryana and Punjab circle. Both teams fought it out on the field with senior members of BIL actively cheering on their team throughout the day. The Mahindra Powerol team took the cup with a 2-0 win. The team was felicitated at the awards ceremony.
Mahindra Powerol also organized a group lunch over which both teams networked with each other.
Special thanks to Harpreet Sethi, Sr. Area Manager, for initiating and organizing this event along with Jagdeep and Ishwar of Powerol’s Mohali Area Office.
This initiative helped strengthen the relationship between Mahindra Powerol and one of its biggest telecom customers. The customers greatly appreciated this initiative and look forward to similar interactions in the future.
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