The Heavy science behind the Light art

Light art is an interesting form of visual art where, like the name suggests, the main media of expression is light. Light is used in multiple creative and innovative manner, usually with the help of a accessory or element that helps accentuate the beauty of the lights or the element on which the light falls.

While light has been used for architectural effect throughout human history, the modern concept of light art emerged with the development of artificial light sources and experimentation by modern art. Today, younger artists are taking light in new directions.

One of the earlier forms of uses of light and art were the ones in which stained glass were used to color transmitted light; examples of which goes back to the 4th century. This form of light art is predominantly seen in churches and mosques, where the architecture includes elaborate stained glass windows. Another very common use of light in art is in shadow puppetry. Here the projections of shadows from puppets are used to create moving images.

Another interesting angle to study the light art is the understanding of modern photography and motion pictures. With the invention of electrical artificial light, possibilities were expanded and many artists began using the light as the main form of expression, instead of just as a vehicle for other forms of art. In Geneva, Switzerland, The Funds for Contemporary Art of the City and Canton of Geneva initiated a project of public art. The Neons Parallax envisages the achievement of seven luminous installations, each one conceived by a different artist on the roofs of the buildings located at the edge of the Plaine de Plainpalais .

Today lights have evolved to be called intelligent light. Lights which move to the tune of the music you are playing, some creating imagery, neons flashing at parties and laser cracking up smoke.

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