DG setsare by nature turning out to be a mandatory appliance in any residential or commercial complex where power outage is regular affair. Its role of keeping the outfit away from any delays or downtime caused by power outages makes it an important equipment to have. DG set owners have to follow the below mentioned measures to control pollution caused by these generators.
DG sets can cause 2 kinds of pollution. One is air pollution which is a result of the combustion of diesel being consumed to produce power. The second is sound pollution caused when the generator starts working. As a user one has to ensure that the generator manufacturer has used advanced sound-proofing mechanisms to reduce and limit the noise levels. Similarly the generator’s exhaust pipe should have an adequate height ensuring that the residual air is released with minimum contact with people. Mahindra Powerol diesel generators are manufactured abiding to all the norms of the Central Pollution Control Board the latest being the CPCB2 norms for diesel generators.
Frequent servicing of the generator is one way of ensuring that the pollution levels are low. Ensure that the diesel generators is not in a close & enclosed structure without proper ventilation because combustion of diesel without enough oxygen can create incredible amount of soot.
Use of coolant additives is another great way to improve efficiency of diesel generators. Mahindra Powerol recommends the use of anti-freeze coolants for diesel generators installed in sub-zero temperature environments. Use of vibration isolators for can also help in reduction of noise through vibration. AVM pads and foam pads are used in Mahindra Powerol diesel generators to arrest sound levels. Mahindra Powerol’s Ultra Super Silent Diesel Generators has sound levels of only 54db.
DG sets like any other equipment have a tendency to pollute if not used right. The cars we use, flight we take and even the poor refrigerator lying in our kitchen all causes pollution. We as users have to ensure that we minimise it. Hence the first step has to be buying the generator from a manufacturer who gives reduction of pollution priority. A sensible choice will ensure a safer, less polluted environment. Check out our range of DG sets at www.mahindrapowerol.com, crafted keeping the pollution norms in mind.
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